Debt-swap: Boudou says Argentina to reach a 60% acceptance rate
During a radio interview, Finance Minister Amado Boudou said Thursday Argentina's debt-swap offer "was not meant for vulture funds."
El contenido al que quiere acceder es exclusivo para suscriptores.
Argentina's proposal is set to reach a 60 percent acceptance rate without considering vulture funds, Boudou told reporters.
"Our objective remains 60 percent, and we are on track to meet it. We will know it on June 7th, the government official said during a radio interview.
The Finance Minister also said that the 45 percent participation rate announced Wednesday involves 100 percent of the bondholders entering in the first phase of the debt-swap.
If we don't take the vulture funds into consideration, we can say that one hundred percent of the institutional bondholders entered the first phase, he added.
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