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Lawmakers suggest legal age should be set at 17 years old
Besides, the idea of setting legal age at 17 years old could also help debating another pressing issue in the local scene: At what age should an Argentine teenager be considered penally responsible? Many of the crimes committed in Argentina on a daily basis are perpetrated by minors under15 years.
If a minor under 13 years waves a gun and is also aware of the eventual result of his behaviour, why wouldn't he be penally punished?
Legal age of consent ranges from 13 years of age to 15 in Europe. The age of consent in Italy, Germany and Spain is 14 years. Meanwhile, the general provision for age of consent in Greece and France is 13. It is interesting to see how most of articles included in the European Criminal Laws emphasize the criminal's discernment.
The underlying idea behind this debate hovers over the possibility of stating that a 13 year old minor is able to understand his acts and consequences, boosted by the current biological, cultural and technological atmosphere, which largely exceeds the everyday life of a 13 year-old minor in the 60's.
If we are to rely on the above-mentioned casual dialogue, it is true that allowing 17-year-old minors to vote makes more sense than giving them a rifle to go war. Even though this idea can be currently deemed 'absurd', some people compare it with Eva Perón's measures and the eventual right to vote for women in Argentina.
Will 17-year-old minors be able to vote in the 2011 presidential elections?
Translated by Jimena Gibert
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