13 de noviembre 2009 - 09:26

October inflation hits 0.8%

Argentina's official inflation reached 0.8 percent in October from the previous month, according to the INDEC national statistics agency. The cost of living rose 5.8 percent in ten months, according to the official data.

INDEC reported the Consumer Price Index (CPI) climbed 6.5 percent in the last twelve months.

According to the CPI, education- related costs grew 1.4 percent, followed by clothing costs, which increased 1.3 percent during the same period.

Food and beverage-related costs meanwhile gained 0.9 percent in October, according to the official report.

NDEC also reported wholesale prices went up 0.9 percent in October, brought accumulated increase to 7.8 percent since January.

Construction costs in the Greater Buenos Aires zoomed 2.6 percent, accumulates an increase of 9.1 percent since December 2008

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